About Major Psychology In Turkey

About Major Psychology In Turkey

An overview of Psychology:

Psychology is the science that studies human behavior, mind, thinking, and personality. Psychology is concerned with understanding how the human mind and behavior develop, and how individuals interact with their environment and with others. It seeks to analyze and understand the factors that affect human behavior and mind, and how this behavior can be explained, as well as how the quality of his life and psychological health can be improved and help him deal with life’s challenges and develop himself. Psychology uses a scientific approach to study mental processes such as thinking, memory, and emotions. Psychology includes the study of a wide range of topics, ranging from learning and memory processes, to personality development and human development, social relationships, individual and group behavior, and psychological disorders and methods of treating them. Psychology deals with the study of humans from a scientific perspective and relies on research and experiments to best understand how the mind and human behavior work.

The roots of psychology go back to the Greek philosophers of the fourth century BC. This date marked the first attempts to understand human nature. Where Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Socrates presented ideas about the mind and the soul. Since then, these ideas have developed and expanded to include various studies on human behavior.

In the 19th century, psychology began to develop significantly, as scientists such as Wilhelm Wundt and John Dewey founded various scientific schools. In the twentieth century, psychology witnessed tremendous developments in research and technology. Many new directions have emerged such as clinical psychology, social psychology, and biopsychology.

Until now, psychologists are still studying the cause of human behavior. They use tools such as observation and experiments to determine the cause of a particular behavior, while developing these tools continuously.

Psychology is one of the greatest sciences that opens doors to understanding the most complex human experiences. It offers us a window into the human mind and behavior, helping us understand why we think, feel and act as we do.

Why study Psychology in Turkey?

If you are looking to study psychology, Turkey is one of the top educational destinations you can consider, thanks to the significant progress it has made in the field of psychological research. Turkish universities ensure that academic curricula are offered in line with high international standards. These universities also invest their resources strategically to ensure that the needs of students majoring in psychology are met, preparing them for both academic and professional success.

Here are some reasons why students may choose to study in Turkey for this major:

  • World-class universities: Turkey has a selection of prestigious universities that are internationally recognized, and these institutions are at the forefront of research in psychology. Private universities invest in the latest facilities and technologies to enhance students’ capabilities for innovation and scientific research.
  • Specialized Academic Experience: The teaching staff at Turkish universities have in-depth experience in the field of psychology, participating in the design and development of new theories and applications, as well as keeping pace with global developments in improving the practices of psychology.
  • Unique Cultural Diversity: Turkey has a rich blend of Eastern and Western cultures, providing international students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a distinct and international educational and social environment.
  • Stimulating research climate: Academic programs in Turkey are flexible and constantly updated to keep pace with the latest developments in psychology and related technology, providing a learning environment that supports innovative thinking and the development of research skills.
  • Affordable cost of living: Compared to many other countries, the cost of living in Turkey is moderate, making it an attractive option for international students looking to obtain a high-quality education at affordable prices.

Overall, Turkey offers a stimulating educational experience in the field of psychology, and is increasingly popular with international students looking to achieve academic and professional success in this diverse and evolving field.

Skills required to study Psychology:

  • Effective communication skills: You must be able to communicate effectively with others, whether they are patients, co-workers, or students, understand the needs of individuals, interact with them effectively, and express your ideas and concepts clearly.
  • Ability to analyze and research: You must be able to analyze complex problems, understand causal relationships between different patient factors, and search for effective solutions using evidence and scientific research.
  • Critical Thinking: You must be able to evaluate ideas, information, research, and evidence logically and critically to deeply understand psychological phenomena.
  • Social Understanding: You must be sensitive to problems affecting individuals and their interactions and able to understand their experiences and feelings.

The average annual salary for beginners to a major is Psychology $76,355

The Requirement Psychology In Turkey






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High school diploma


High school transcript

Frequent Question Psychology In Turkey

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of living organisms, especially humans, in order to understand, explain, predict, and control this behavior. This means that it seeks to understand how the human mind functions and how it interacts with environmental and social factors to produce human behavior and experiences. In general, psychology is the science that helps us understand the human mind and behavior, contributes to the development of strategies to improve the quality of life and understand our interactions with the world around us.

What is the importance of Psychology?

Psychology plays an important role in understanding human behavior and improving the quality of individuals’ lives by providing advice, psychological treatments, and counseling. It helps in understanding an individual’s behavior and interactions with others, improving personal relationships, and enhancing our psychological health. Thanks to psychology, we can understand what is happening in our minds and how we can improve our lives and the lives of others. It is also used in various fields such as education, health, business administration, sociology, sports, and many other fields.

What is the aim of Psychology?

Psychology aims to understand, explain, predict and control individual behavior, and to analyze and understand a variety of human-related topics, such as learning and personal development, mental health, social relationships, psychological disorders and human behaviour. Psychology has several branches, including experimental psychology, physiological psychology, personality psychology, and others. Psychology also helps in developing therapeutic methods to treat psychological disorders and enhance the individual's psychological and social health. Psychology can be applied to humans, but it can also be applied to non-humans sometimes, such as animals or intelligent systems.

What is the history of Psychology?

Psychology is the field of study of the human mind and behavior. It has a long history spanning thousands of years and has witnessed sustained development over the decades. Here's an overview of the development and history of psychology:

  1. The ancient period: There were interests in the mind and human behavior in philosophy and religions. One of the oldest scientists interested in studying the mind and human behavior is the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). He wrote about the soul and mind in his works. Another Greek philosopher, Plato (427-347 BC), was also famous during this period.
  2. The Middle Ages: During the Middle Ages, ideas about the soul and mind developed based on Christian and Islamic philosophy. These ideas were represented in the works of Muslim philosophers and scholars such as Ibn Sina and the Jewish philosopher Moses ibn Maimon.
  3. Modern times: Scientific interest in psychology began in the new centuries with scientists such as William James, John Dewey, and Sigmund Freud. During this period, different schools of psychology developed, such as functional psychology, behavioral psychology, and analytical psychology.
  4. The modern era: Psychology has witnessed great development in the modern era in multiple fields such as neuroscience, social psychology, mental age psychology, and consumer psychology. Psychology concepts have been applied in a variety of fields such as education, health, business, and sports.
  5. The modern and contemporary era: Psychology continues to rapidly develop and diversify in the modern and contemporary era with the advancement of technology and scientific research, and scientists have become able to study the human mind and behavior with more advanced and detailed methods. Applications of psychology have also expanded to include areas such as behavioral neuroscience, artificial intelligence science, and sports psychology.

The history of psychology is long and continues from ancient times to the present, and it is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand and explain the human mind and behavior through research and experiment. It is a dynamic and evolving field that continues to grow. It is based on continuous research and discovery and evolves as societal interests and technology change.

What do Psychology graduates do?

Psychology graduates can work in a variety of professional opportunities based on majors and personal interests. Here are some of the jobs and fields psychology graduates can work in:

  1. Psychotherapy: Psychology graduates can become psychotherapists and provide counseling and therapeutic services to individuals, couples, and families to help them deal with their psychological and emotional problems.
  2. Scientific research: Psychology graduates can work as academic researchers in multiple fields of psychology.
  3. Education: Psychology graduates can work as university professors or high school teachers to teach students about psychology concepts. They can become university teachers or high school teachers and other schools. They can also develop educational programs and contribute to improving educational practices. Graduates can work.
  4. Human Resources Management: Psychology graduates can work in the field of human resources management, where they use their understanding of the human mind and behavior to support the development of employee skills and performance in companies and organizations.
  5. Mental health: Psychology graduates can work as psychological counselors in the field of mental health, whether in hospitals, private clinics, or non-profit organizations, and provide support and treatment to individuals suffering from psychological disorders.
  6. Data and social analysis: Psychology graduates can use their skills in the field of data analysis and social research, as they contribute to understanding consumer behavior and market needs.
  7. Personal and professional development: Psychology graduates can work as personal trainers or self-development consultants to help individuals achieve their goals and develop their personal and professional skills.
  8. Crisis management and psychological counseling: Psychology graduates can work in the field of crisis management and provide psychological counseling to individuals and communities in situations of crises and disasters.
  9. Education and training industry: Psychology graduates can work in developing educational and training programs for companies and institutions.
  10. Media and Journalism: Psychology graduates can use their knowledge of the human mind and behavior in the field of media and journalism, whether as writers or analysts.

This is just a sample of the jobs and fields in which psychology graduates can work. The choice depends on the individual's interests and precise specialization in psychology, and a diverse career path can be created that suits each individual's skills and interests. They can also work in many industries and fields due to the diversity and applicability of their knowledge in the field of human behavior and mind.

University Available Psychology In Turkey

UniversityLanguageTuition fees (Schedule)
Istanbul AydinTurkish$4,000
Istanbul BilgiEnglish$5,032
Kadir HasEnglish$6,000
Istanbul MedipolEnglish$5,500
Istanbul MedipolTurkish$5,500
Istanbul GelisimTurkish$3,500
Istanbul GelisimEnglish$4,000
Istanbul OkanTurkish-
Istanbul KentTurkish$2,000
Istanbul KentEnglish$2,900
Ankara MedipolEnglish$4,760
Ankara MedipolTurkish$4,760
Hasan KalyoncuTurkish-
Istanbul NişantaşıTurkish$3,250
Istanbul NişantaşıEnglish$3,800
Istanbul Yeni YüzyılTurkish$2,300
Istanbul ArelTurkish$3,500
Istanbul TopkapıTurkish$2,750
Istanbul TopkapıEnglish$3,250
Istanbul EsenyurtTurkish$2,200
Ankara BilimTurkish$2,500
Ankara BilimEnglish$3,000
Antlya BilimEnglish$3,320
Istanbul Ticarret30%English&Turkish 70%$6,000
Istanbul GedikTurkish$2,000
Istanbul KulturTurkish$2,125

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