Introduction about Turkish universities:

Turkey is a popular study destination for Saudi students seeking to benefit from the significant progress Turkey has achieved in the academic field and university education in recent years. Turkey is considered one of the most attractive destinations for Saudi students thanks to its continued interest in education and scientific research, which has become an integral part of the priorities of the Turkish government and society. Universities in Turkey provide the opportunity for Saudi students to choose specializations that suit their needs, whether they are at the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral levels.

Many Saudi students prefer to study in Turkey for several reasons, including the common Islamic cultural background and the favorable atmosphere for Arabs and Muslims. The choice of Turkey is also due to the good reception students receive from the generally friendly Turkish people.

A dream that comes true for Saudi students in Turkish universities

Accredited Turkish universities in Saudi Arabia:

Below is a list of recognized Turkish universities in Saudi Arabia, where Saudi students can choose the university that suits their needs and aspirations:

Private Universities:

İstinye UniversityBahçeşehir University
Istanbul Bilgi UniversityÖzyeğin University
Atılım UniversityAltinbas University
İstanbul Nişantaşı Universityİstanbul Okan University
Yeditepe UniversityKoç University
Sabancı UniversityLokman Hekim University
Baskent UnivesityBilkent University

Public Universities:

Istanbul Technical Universityİstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa
Istanbul UniversityMarmara University
Mimar Sinan University of Fine ArtsYıldız Technical University
Gebze Teknik Universiryİzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü University
29 Mayıs UniversityAnkara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Ankara UniversityAnkara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji UniversityMiddle East Technical University
Ataturk UniversityBogazici University
University of GaziantepÇankaya University
Çukurova UniversityDicle University
Dokuz Eylül UniversityEge University
Erciyes UniversityFirat University
Gazi Universityhacettepe university
Kapadokya UniversityKaradeniz Technical University
Selçuk UniversityUludag University

Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia

Türkiye is one of the most attractive destinations for Saudi students

Connecting with Ajyal:

Ajyal provides comprehensive advisory services to Saudi students, providing academic seats, facilitating admission processes, providing academic and social support during their studies in Turkey, and helping Saudi students achieve the dream of studying in Turkey. Students can benefit from educational consultations to choose the appropriate majors for them and ensure the achievement of their educational goals. Students can learn about Ajyal’s services and the packages it offers them.

Ajyal provides comprehensive consulting services to Saudi students

In short, Turkey is an ideal study destination for Saudi students, as it combines a distinctive cultural and educational environment with intimate communication between peoples. The Ajyal team helps realize the dream of studying in Turkey by providing comprehensive support and professional advice.

Türkiye is considered an ideal destination to study for Saudi students

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Unlock your potential and explore a world of educational opportunities in Turkey. Whether you aspire to study medicine at prestigious universities like Istanbul istinye University or pursue other majors at renowned institutions such as Istanbul Aydın University, bahçeşehir University, or Istanbul Gelisim University, Ajyal Education Services is your trusted partner. We provide comprehensive support and guidance to help you embark on your desired educational journey in Turkey. Start shaping your future today with Ajyal Education Services.

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